My name is Norbert Kiseri, Im a mobile masseur in Austria, and I’m here to help you!
I’m here to help you, and „save your muscles” now.
How can I help you?
When you call me, I take a special focus on your body. Every movement is a classic massage, and intuitive method to find a stiffed area, and help to relax it. I use dynamic moves, and strong presses to fix your muscles. After the treatment you feel better, and every your moves are O.K.
What the method I use?
A start massage with „diagnostic-watching hands”– and after that use a personal massage. I studied medical massage, swedish classical massage, dorn, and breuss method and SMT. It can help and fix your muscles easily.
How much is cost? Mobile massage prices
50 min. FULL body or back massage at home 58€
50 min. FULL body massage at home + 10 minutes extra foot/neck massage 64€
70 min. V.I.P. Massage at home + 15 min. BONUS extra foot/neck massage 82€
I can help you in Austria, please write me on my e-mail adress, or call my phone number. Click here for my contact information!
What happens if you book an appointment?
1. You can book an appointment phone or e-mail. First I give you a massage time in my calendar, and please give me your adress where I can go.
2. At the appointment I arrive to your home, with all my equipment(massage bed, special herbal oils,)
3. You open the door, I come in, and put my comfortable massage bed out. After that I go out wash my hands, and start the massage.
4.You lie in the massage bed, and do the treatment.
5.After the massage you feel better, and relaxed. If you want you can give me any question about the massage. Have a good health!
Who is Norbert Kiseri?
Norbert is a Hungarian massage therapist, he studied as „gyógymasszőr”(Medical masseur) in Hungary, he studied and worked at all famous bath,hotels, sport intitute in Budapest, and use professional technics to help you excellent.
My guest tell about the massage
If you have any question, please write me, in my contact and i will help you!
Norbert mobile masseur Austria
| Norbert mobile Masseur | Massage zuhause in Österreich. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt einen Termin!

Th. Norbert Kiséri
Ich heiße Norbert Kiseri. Ich bin aus den Bergen gekommen, um Ihnen mit meiner langjährigen Berufserfahrung im Bereich Krankenhaus und Wellness, Spa, Sport und entspannender Massage in Österreich zu helfen.